Monday 18 April 2016

Q6C Student Satisfaction Survey

We need you to evaluate the quality of your Programme and student services provided for this academic year.  Obtaining your input is a vital part of the Institute’s Quality Enhancement procedures.  This anonymous feedback enables the programme committees to review which parts of your programme are functioning well and which parts may need improvement and it enables the Institute to ensure that student services are meeting the needs of students.  This is how the Institute uses your voice to assure and improve the quality standard of our programmes and services.
Each student in the Institute is requested to complete this process (max 10 minutes) in advance of Sunday 24th April 2016; please follow this link to begin
We would be very grateful if you could take the time to complete this evaluation.

Cenergise - Graduate Software Engineer

Cenergise is seeking to hire a Graduate Software Engineer.  The job advertisement is available  here