If you are thinking of taking this model then check out the module on BrightSpace. (You can self-enroll)
Once you are enrolled on the BrightSpace module, you will see links to various documents and module information.
Please look at the module information as it contains important information.
Week 1 - Week 4 : will cover Hadoop
Week 5 - Week 8 : Spark
Week 9 - Week 12 : NoSQL
NB. It is important that you are comfortable with programming as the module will be using a number of different languages, Java, Scala, etc
Also consider what environment you are going to use for the different components of this module. Some options are listed in the module information.
Week one will be a virtual class. All notes, slides, links, Videos of lectures, lab work, etc are on the website.
A short briefing webinar will be on Monday 27th between 13:00-13:30
and a followup webinar will be given on Monday 2nd February 13:00-13:00
Details will be listed on the BrightSpace module and in the module announcements section.