TU Dublin Careers Centre is holding a half-day Get Career-Ready programme to set you up for success on Monday, 25 September 2023.
Over the next few months, are you...
- Applying for graduate roles, graduate programmes, placements or summer internships?
- Working on your CV, or LinkedIn profile or brushing up on your interview skills?
- Going to Careers Fairs, events, or networking with employers?
- Thinking about further study or setting up your own business?
- Researching options abroad or wondering ‘what’s next?’…
If you are, it’s time to get career-ready, and we are here to help!
Take some time out and kick-start your career. All students welcome. Drop in at any time to suit your timetable!
All information is available on http://www.tudublin.ie/careers/getcareerready
Event online and on campus