Saturday, 10 August 2013

Analytics Intern Position @ Concern

Job Title:

Data Analysis and Documentation Intern (to support the Social and Economic Development Unit (SEDU) to improve documentation and knowledge sharing)
Reports to:

Head, Social and Economic Development Unit
Liaises with:

Dublin based staff in the Strategy, Advocacy and Learning Department, Overseas Staff in 25 Country Offices, other departments in Head Office and London and New York Offices
Job Location:

Contract Details:

9 month contract – starting as soon as possible
Learning Outcome:
The intern will gain practical experience in
·       Use of intranet and webinars as a means of documenting experiences and sharing information
·       Use of Microsoft Publisher,
·       GIS using Quantum GIS (QGIS and ArcGIS
·       Digital Data Gathering methodologies 
·       Data analysis (Excel, SPSS)
·       Communicating with a multi-cultural team of advisers across 25 countries, including through the production of regular newsletters
The intern will receive formal/ informal training in the following
·       Analysis of data collected through DDG.
·       Using GIS to display and analyse data from the field
·       Various internal training sessions made available to all CWW staff
·       Concern induction
On completion the intern will have attained skills in
·       Data analysis
·       GIS
·       Newsletter production and article writing
Job Purpose:

The Social and Economic Development Unit (SEDU) in Concern Worldwide is responsible for providing support to country teams in the areas of Food, Income and Markets (FIM) (what is sometimes referred to as Livelihoods) programmes, social protection and education. The FIM programmes include Community Based Natural Resource Management, Agriculture and Interaction with Markets (which includes Micro Finance). A new strategy has been developed and will be launched before then of 2013.
Part of this is a commitment to the use of ICT solutions in programme planning, in particular the use of digital data gathering solutions and matching this data to a GIS programme.
The intention of this position is to work alongside the FIM team in Dublin to produce a series of reports and maps that can be utilised for programme planning and monitoring and produce a brief document .
Main duties &

·       Analyse and present data collected through DDG
·       Use GIS to present and analyse spatial relationships in data sets from the field  
·       Demonstrate the benefits of GIS to staff.
·       Prepare at least two case studies for wider distribution on the use of technology in our FIM programmes with recommendations for the future
·       Oversee the production of at least two editions of an internal newsletter for all staff.
·       Technical support a series of webinar trainings provided to FIM and Education technical staff at field level by advisers from the Dublin and London Offices.
Person specification:

  • To have completed at least an undergraduate third level course on a subject related to development issues
  • Sound knowledge of Microsoft Word, including an ability to utilise Microsoft Publisher
  • Interest in   the use and application of GIS software to development projects.
  • Good analytical skills, including using MS Excel and SPSS to analyse data sets
  • Ability to present data clearly to a diverse audience
  • Attention to administrative details
  • Self-learning for new software
  • Excellent communication skills in English, both verbal and written
  • Flexible and adaptable, with an ability to work as part of a team.
  • Ability to communicate in French
  • Previous experience of GIS software.
To apply:
All applications should be submitted by emailing their CV to by 11th August 2013.

Candidates must be legally entitled to work in Ireland at the time of application..

Exam Papers