Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Research Methods (Semester 1) Feedback

Hi all,

IF (you did the module "Research Methods and Proposal Writing" in Semester 1 (on Saturdays) and submitted a draft proposal of what you want to do for your thesis, as Assignment #2)
     THEN you should have gotten feedback from me on your proposal yesterday;

IF (you haven't got feedback)
     THEN please e-mail me ASAP;
      ELSE read the feedback;
                make the changes that you want;
                send the final document to Luca (in whichever format he wants it);

IF you need to drop off a hard-copy of the proposal you submitted to me
     THEN drop it off in A324;
                 IF the door isn't open
                     THEN shove it under the door, with my name on the cover;


Exam Papers