Please note that full lists of all modules available to all full time and part time students are available by selecting a timetable for the programme code DT228A and DT228B respectively by logging into the timetabling system as normal.
Enter your class group code (see below) as the Username on the timetabling system with no password. You can then press the More button located beside the Timetable label on the top right hand side of the screen. This will display the class group timetable in graphic form for semester 2 and you can select it in PDF format too.
Class groups codes:
Full time students
DT228AASD - ASD specialism
DT228ADA - DA specialism
DT228AIKM - IKM specialism
Part time students
DT228B1A - first year ASD
DT228B1I - first year IKM
DT228B1D - first year DA
DT228B2A - second or subsequent ASD
DT228B2I - second or subsequent IKM
DT228B2D -second or subsequent DA
Remember if you are not following the normal progression and taking modules outside of what is normally applicable to your class group you will have to check other timetables for the times and rooms.